(This writing is for Knowledge & Science only. Racial, Ethnocentrism, Religious, & Political debate are not considered valuable enough perspectives to interpret these following:)
The 13th Month of Akhet is a celestial event and observation of the Ancient Khemetians. It marks a period of High Holy celebration beginning on September 1st-September 13th, a 13 day observance. It is the new year and beginning of the Flood season.
What is the observation of the month of Akhet?
The current 365 day western calendar was adopted from the Ancient Khemetians during the reign of the Roman Emperor, Julius Ceasar. The Romans needed a more accurate system to keep track of their traditional and festive holidays. Thus, the Roman invasion of Egypt during the reign of Cleopatra, was a major exchange of culture and wealth, including the mystery educational system of Khemet. The Roman or European calendar would update from their 10 month, lunar 300 day year to its current calendar. The Ancient Khemetian concept of the 12 Gates, which the Earth traveled in a procession each night, along a cosmic river, became the signs of the horoscope and months of the year. To correct their calendar, August & July were named after their wise Emperors and added. These months expose the utter error of the European time structure even today. September (7), October (8), November (9), December (10) are the remnant of the 7th, 8th, 9th, & 10th months. However, today they oddly represent the 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th months of the year. The Romans learned a great deal from the Khemetians, but what was not learned was never discovered, forgotten, or simply, strategically omitted from the Romans. And that missing puzzle piece, over the last two thousand years and the change from Roman polytheism to Roman Catholicism has left a defining indentation in the modern European understanding of the world. It often requires major reformation or reconstruction of the entire accumulated body of knowledge the European culture has developed into a dynamic civilization, today. One block can topple an entire puzzle. The Ancient Romans, as polytheist were more suitable for understanding than the intolerant monotheists, Roman Catholics, who command all things linguistic and legal in the European Civilization, today.

The Ancient Khemetians developed their civilization based on a system of observation of Neter. The word, Neter, is most closely translated to the concept of and word, nature. The development and understanding of Neter, over hundreds of thousands of years by the dawn of the tribal unification of lower & upper Khemet in 3400 BCE, was illustrated in the Khemetian Pantheon. The forces of Neter, were transcribed and anthropomorphized into the world's first Deities. The Khemetian Deities are actual physical forces of Nature and can be observed, as well as physically felt by their often overwhelming affect on the Earth and all its inhabitants. The Ancient Greeks & Romans transcribed many of the Khemetian Deities into proto-European culture. However, by the time of the Greeks & Romans, the Ancient Khemetian civilization was already ancient, lending the understandings of their philosophy, mathematics, sciences, physics, and religion to error. Many of the concepts of Neter Deities were extended and given elaborate attributes less derived from nature and more defined by the human experience. Thus, by the dawn of monothesism, which is a late belief system, the original Khemetian concept of a Neter deities had gone from a force of nature to a human personification of the natural forces on Earth. This is the great flaw of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the attribution of all the various competing & balancing forces of Neter, were transmuted to a single human derived deity. Still, the physical Neter Deity, that the Hebrews, people of Christianity, & Islam overlooked & allegorized, has always been alive and well. In fact, the sheer mystery became more phenomenal and out of reach for monotheists, the more human attributes developed onto the non-human entity, as time continued to the present. Only traditional Khemetian (African) societies, traditional cultures, polytheists cultures worldwide, or those inducted into the Mystery School System were imparted with these ancient concepts of mathematics, chemistry, physics, astronomy, mechanics, and the relation to existence. The Neter Deity monotheists took, was Ausar, the Deity of the Resurrection and the Depths.

Ausar, is a force of nature. Ausar is a star. It is often in modern history referred to as the Eastern Star. Proto-Europeans like the Greeks, renamed this star, Sirius, Lord of the Resurrection. Ausar or Sirius, is the solar system, which our solar system revolves around. It takes 1462 days to complete one revolution around this Star. Therefore, the emergence of this star, on the horizon, and the gravitational pull, causes major physical phenomena on Earth. The physical phenomena observed was the flood season. At the sight of this star, the Ancient Khemetians, knew the Nile River would flood, if it had not already done so. They also knew, by the animals who vacated the river. Thus, it is important to understand that even the animals are aware of this physical entity. So, like the Moon, causes the changes in the tides on Earth. Ausar, causes the water from the depths of the Earth to rise, the storms, tsunamis, and earthquakes are all physical phenomena, associated with the emergence of this star. This is also why it is called the Deity of the Depths. The result of this Deity after the flood is, the resurrection of nature. The sheer widespread destruction, devastation of natural regions on Earth, produced one effect, rebirth. The soils were replenished, the dead trees were removed, the gigantic continental plates were moved into place and life continued as a new season of growth begin. This is why Ausar is always represented by the color green, to symbolize death and rebirth, or resurrection. This occurred every 365 days or revolution of the Star to our celestial sphere (1462 divided by 4). The monotheists, missed the entire concept with their humanized allegory. However, they did not miss the mark completely and some still refer to this time as New Year, or time of Judgement.

The 13th month of Akhet marks the arrival of Ausar, on the Eastern Horizon. The entire Earth is sure to have already felt its presence. It is an actual Deity, that can be seen, observed over time, and felt. So, during this time of High Holy, prepare, fast, pray for safety during the storms, gather together with your loved ones, and watch not only nature balance itself against the wicked force of extreme heat or extreme cold, but also move into another position in relation to our revolution around not our Sun, but our original source, Ausar.
The Holy month of Akhet is also a reminder that there isn't one force on Earth. There are many powerful entities and they are not human. This isn't a discussion on aliens, flying saucers, or humans with meta-powers, either. This is a imparting of knowledge of nature and the many examples of life here on Earth and in the universe. They are various physical representations of nature beautiful, fearsome, loving, irrespective of person. For example, the Sun shines on everyone and no one can own the Sun. The same with the wind or the tragedy of a flood, mudslide, or earthquake. It isn't about you, it is the nature of life, the balance of forces. These are who the Ancient Khemetians observed and charted. They discovered their secrets and mathematical equations. These are our Deities and across the land of Khemet, all of the tribes have added deities of various renown. Our Deities, never did magic, nor was magic a concept among us. Carefully studied phenomena and science was our "magic," cause and effect. Our idea of Gods was misunderstood, and God, which is a German word, not old enough to describe our cultural beliefs, was made human with the magical or superpowers of nature. This is the unfortunate circumstance of translation. But allow me to re-translate the translation back into the original form. And allow me to introduce you to a real Deity that you can see with your eyes, the Lord of the Resurrection, whom many have based their lives. Here I point in the sky on New Years & High Holy to observe. Be blessed and I challenge you all, to observe Akhet.