Friday, November 8, 2024

America is Tone Deaf: Celebrating the Election of the 47th President of the United States


                                Courtesy of CSPAN President-Elect, Donald Trump Nov. 6, 2024

                              Courtesy of CSPAN Vice President Kamala Harris Concession Speech

                                                        Mainstream America is Tone Deaf

For 14 years, I have covered life in the United States using this platform. I have given the authentic African American perspective on a variety of issues from academic, socio-political, scientific, intellectual, religious, economic, racial, historical, and even editorial to provide an opinion on shifting popular American Discourse. As a result, the collection of concepts & ideas, in conjunction with the forward movement of time and American society, has created not just a wealth of knowledge, but a unique purview of the affect of America on the African American, during this space in time.

Since the election of Barack Obama in 2008, the United States has experienced as variety of collective responses from shock, disbelief, enthusiasm, joy, love, vindication, rejection, obstruction, fear, and even hatred. The fear of a "Black President," experienced by the first Black President, severely curtailed the extent and effectiveness of his intellectual genius to make common sense and sound policies for the United States. Economic Regulation to confront the financial crisis of 2008. Universal Health Care or Obamacare, to combat the soaring costs of healthcare. Criminal Justice Reform, to address racial inequities in the justice system and foreign policy, which sought to make peace with long term enemies like Iran in the Nuclear Deal, and Cuba, in decriminalizing travel. President Barack Obama did an monumental job in improving the overall "contentness" of life in the United States of America. However, his stance on three issues became his undoing and the earthquake that caused a Tsunami backlash that has engulfed the United States for 14 years, even given that due to race, White America would have always object to his judgement. Donald Trump, is the product of the collective backlash against these two policies and the Make America Great Again (MAGA Reagan 1980; MAGA Trump 2016) movement grows exponentially, the more the left & Liberal policymakers double down. 

President Barack Obama Blunders

The first major blunder is the War in the Middle East & Africa. After the assassination of Osama Bin Laden, and ending the War in Iraq, the celebrity of President Obama, as a Wise & Calculating President knew no bounds and even overruled, White American debunked racial sentiments. However, the assassination of Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi, the sanctioning of drone warfare over peacetime sovereign Muslim nations, and the funding of ISIS sparking the Syrian War, will have significant reverberations for the next 50-100 years. The assassination of Muammar Gaddafi, destablized North Africa and lead to the Arab Spring which saw the ousting of significant leaders across the region, to be replaced by American friendly leaders. These actions were probably justified by the Pentagon officials and leaders in the American spheres of Defense for National Security interests, particularly, to prevent a collaborated Islamic backlash against the United States for the failed invasions of Iraq &, later, Afghanistan. However, there are two things to understand about this issue as it relates to history. One, European Christian society has been engaged in a Crusades oriented war against Islam and the people of the Middle East & Africa since 1066. Second, the economy of the United States depends on Industrialized War and has done so since the ending of WWII to remain out of recession. Thus, with these two historical facts underlining the unconscious decisions of our military officials and American politicians, President Barack Obama, unconsciously continued the European Crusades, as reinstituted by President George HW Bush, in the Gulf War of 1990.

The second major blunder is the resigning of the Patriot Act, which creates a nation-wide surveillance state using our digital technology and establishing the FISA Court, effectively an entirely second security government in the United States.

The third and last major blunder was the LGBTQ issue. Typical Americans get too emotional to intelligently discuss this topic because it becomes about personal experience and not about its usefulness to society, especially a society at war, which requires constant reproduction of new members to replace those passing away for various causes. Homosexuality exists in society privately, but the difference here is, instead of it being a private behind closed doors life, it was legal to be public and openly promoted in this agenda. The LGBTQ issue is not just about acceptance, homophobia, or coexistence, but is a dividing line, historically between families, cultures, and nations. In African & Asian society, public homosexuality is so taboo, that the practice could cost you your life or lead to imprisonment. In White Christian America, and traditional Black & Latin America, LGBTQ is taboo and the miscalculation of the alliance between the Liberal Democratic Party and the Homosexual Community is grave. Liberal authorities are not understanding the meaning of taboo and so under the guise of "acceptance of all" or "justice for all," they have unknowingly, put themselves and their entire Democratic Party, in the crosshairs of the previous major historical movement, the European Christian Crusades. It could be timing, the United States is progressive but hasn't achieved the adequate level of progression to accept blatant homosexuality. It could be the imposition, as homosexual relationships were interjected in television commercials during the day, taught in the schools to school-age students, and made illegal to discriminate in the military. What people don't understand about imposing value on another person is, its like, someone saying they dont like cereal, but you keep buying them new kinds of cereal. Every time that person buys a new cereal, they are failing to see the other person's sovereignty and perfectly reasonable right, to dislike cereal. The post Obama push of homosexuality has been promoted in the same manner. Opening the closet for all to see publicly, giving White Gay Men, protected legal citizenry, and lesbian feminism such social justification, that they failed to see the extreme nature of their lifestyle in a public society at war. The acceptance of Public Homosexuality also automatically made adherents, gay or straight, members of a Cult of Sexuality. The Cult of Sexuality is the acceptance of all forms of sexual behavior, even deviant, and it is fueled by a constant supply of pornography, as the American Porn Industry has grown to unpararell heights of wealth and influence. 

Porn Brings Back Slavery In the United States

The US Porn Industry today, has a larger gross revenue than the NFL, NBA, MLB, ABC, CBS, and NBC combined (Lifespan US Porn 2023).  Behind such growth of "free" Porn, in a nation, where prostitution is illegal, is the cellphone and internet industries. The key to this membership to the Cult of Sexuality is privacy, and liberal freedom. As long as no one objects to your private sexual freedom, individuals purport support of no one knowing what you do behind closed doors. Sounds like justice! Sounds like justice? Publicly, Americans are defending this right to privacy of sexual orientation, but this acceptance is not without costs. The emergence of human trafficking has soared to an new age of enslavement in the United States. Human Trafficking in the United States, annually takes in over $97 billion dollars and worldwide over $292 billion dollars. You can't have the largest porn industry without sex slaves. Thus, the publicizing LGBTQ issue spiraled so out of control, it is threatening the very fabric of the society, because the connection to the Cult of Sexuality and Industry commands $ billions of dollars in annual revenue. Its a movement almost too big to stop... One of the major casualites of this indoctrination into Feminism is Black Women and the Black children. The children are learning sex from Porn through the internet and cellphone. This inducts them into the Cult of Sexuality, unknowingly, unconsciously, and automatically with access to learn sexual orientation from strangers who have no investment in their futures. 

Untraditional Values Hijack Black Women & Liberal Extremism

This Porn education of sex is not a Black child phenomena but one of children from all backgrounds with cellphone access. Black Women, are not protected in this American Empire, because of the nature of their usefulness in the American experiment as laborers and birthers of the next generation of Black Americans to replace those passing away. Feminism has been tempting Black American Women since the late Susan B Anthony, and the struggle of White Women to get the legal rights to own property & vote. However, this brand of Feminism is packed with the old ideas of equal pay & protection, alongside ideas like lesbianism, and extremism views like the independence of women, who attempt to make community without or not in need of Men, which pragmatically is impossible to maintain pass one generation. As God and nature would have it, life itself defeats the topic of homosexuality, thus, there is little need to even argue against the practice. The beast is the Cult of Sexuality that has emerged in the wake of public acceptance of the LGBTQ lifestyle. Unfortunately, the overall drinking of this coolaid was indoctrinated into Black Women in the late 1980s-2000, by the emergence of single mother households. This is the environment that creates Kamala Harris. Only add a powerful hegemonic marketing of feminist themed music, film, and political propaganda directly aimed at Black Women, not Black Mothers, Sisters, Aunts, Daughters, and Nieces, Black Women. By the era of President Barack Obama, Black Women and the LGBTQ communities alliance was solid, even amid the mass incarceration of Black Fathers & Sons, the auction block breaking of Black American families and the public rejection of LGBTQ by Black Men. Kamala Harris emerged as an friend to liberal policies. California District Attorney, California Attorney General, California US Senator, and Vice President, Harris supported this new form of Liberalism. This Post Modern Liberalism would face off in the Presidential election of 2024 as a contest underneath the public sparring, but between the tenets that founded this White Christian Nation called America and the new ideas of Liberalism seeking reform and justice. 

The Re-Election of President Donald Trump

The triumphant, Donald Trump, won reelection as the 45th and now, 47th President of the United States. In sweeping fashion, President Trump won most demographics of votes from Men (Black, White, Latino & Asian) and White Suburban Women. Amid the various legal courtroom battles, pressure from the International disapproval of President Biden's handling of the Israeli Occupation of Gaza 2023-2024, & Ukrainian War 2014-2025, and Sensation Media Scandals, Donald Trump was still able to win each swing state to win the 2024 election with a commanding majority of votes. A full repudiation of the Obama Era policies is at hand, in addition to an agenda of Oligarchy control and excessive uber wealth by a new merchant class. Maybe even revenge for the public persecution and defamation President Trump was forced to endure. And given, the trough-like trenches dug by the Democratic Party and liberal groups vilifying every aspect of President Donald Trump, the likelihood of socio-political gridlock during the next four years, seems inevitable. With each side tone deaf to relevant issues, and the liberal left, engaged in a nefarious flirtation with a dangerous spirit and dark ideology of old.

written by Uriel Wise; Edited by Cowan Amaye-Obu



What happens to Campaign Funds After Elections

Election Demographics

Lifespan 2023

President Barack Obama

Muammar Ghaddafi

Arab Spring

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Seminole Wars 1812-1858: Key Figures

 "This... is a negro, not an Indian war." -General Thomas Sidney Jesup

The following are notable figures in the Three Seminole Wars of Florida (1812-1858), a sphere of war apart of a wider war which involved the Muscogee (Creek) War and the War of 1812. 

Black Seminoles (Muscogee) established dozens of Maroon colonies alongside Natives across Florida from Alligator Hole, Angola, Fort Mose, Prospect Bluff, Pilakilahaka, and many others razed or abandoned during the Seminole Wars and establishment of Florida as a State. Black Muscogees fought not only against loss of lands, but against being sold into captivity. Many were free trained Colonial Militia for the Spanish, or vassals under Muscogee Chiefs, where a portion of their crops were given as tribute. Many will be forced to leave Florida for Native relocation, sold into captivity, or fled to South Florida & the everglades to avoid capture after the war


Muscogee Chiefs:

American Figures:
American Figures:

Key Battles

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Finding My Way Again by Cowan Amaye-Obu


                                     Finding My Way Again by Cowan Amaye-Obu/ Hip Hop Logo

For the last several years (2020-2024), I have struggled with the US Family Court of Fairfax, VA. A place I did not live but was thrusted into the system by the mother of my child. The Courts have prevented my employment for two years costing me over $130K in salary. They also legally revoked my parental rights and recently demanded a form of child support payment, in what to me was like a hostage situation with my precious little girl at the center of the debacle. Instead of engaging in the foolishness, due to the loss of my livelihood, I relocated from Baltimore, Maryland. All my employment attempts were successful until halted by the Court System of Virginia. Thus, sometimes when people meet me lately, they observe my countenance & greatness being subject to my struggle, and may wonder why? I was destroyed by the people closest to me. I discovered my romantic partner was a chronic infidel on Mother's Day, and given the evidence, I walked away from my family. Consequently, she sought to ruin everything I had, to hide her failures, taking me to court to take my child, get me apprehended for slanderous lies unlike me, I lost my career, my apartment, my lifestyle, everything. Even the new family, I had created to move on... I fell all the way to the bottom and ended up going back home to Mom in North Palatka, Florida. Once there, my family, community, and friends healed and rebuilt me into a dynamic individual. I am eternally grateful for my folks who supported me, rallied around me, and not only gave advise but a willing hand. They say, when is it time to support someone, when they are at their highest? When they make it easy for everyone around? Or is it when they are at the bottom, reaching around for help? This is the grace, mercy, peace, compassion, charity, long-suffering, faith, and family, that saves Men and Women, and a lesson for all. When one is low, that is the time to support and comfort them. This was/is my Year 2023 and I am sharing for all those I am thankful for, and especially for those Fathers (or Mothers) and people going through traumatic pain and hurt due to infidelity & the $50 billion US Family Court Industry corruption. A $400K 12 year career reduced to ashes by hate can be restored in my case. So keep your head low, stay the same and like the Sun, it will come back around ... There is green grass on the other side. You just have to take the journey and don't be afraid to walk on water...

Obuism Second Tenets: The Discipline of Liberty & Duty to Family, Clan, & Tribe in Service to (The Ancient Order of Deities)

 (The Following Statements are above indictment, above any claim of blasphemous, and a call to the Ancient Orders... These tenets are not meant for sharing but for the reader alone.)

In the 21st and 22nd Century, the need to revisit the idea of religion is paramount for the Oppressed, the Free, and the Enlightened. History and time tells the story of all, and every idea is judged by the fruit of its tenets and the actions of its followers. No God is above reproach and no God can serve itself. All Forces required the degree of dedicated learning over time, and its science and laws became obvious belief in the flesh (with the eyes to show its presence.). Therefore, if the service of a Deity, leads a people over time to their destruction, enslavement, and spiritual demise, then that Deity is in jeopardy of not only proving its inability to save its followers & its Truth, but also proves its ineffectiveness, lack of power, and its righteous claim to be elevated to the title, God of Men, an authority over all Kind, in the land of Mankind. This is a violation of the first law of Deities to provide light and order to a people in darkness and to prove its power to be seen, to clean, and to save. In ancient times, all Deities were required to prove themselves both valuable and greater than all else, greater than all Men and all Kinds. Their power could not be swayed in speeches by any Man, only displayed in action for all to see, upon request given reasonable time. Over the ages, the characteristics of these Natural Forces, or Gods (note: the term God is a German word from 600 AD and does not equate to the full concept of an omnipotent power. The word is not old enough to secure the title as well. Hence, the name of Deities will be used interchangeably. However, in the English language there is no other word besides Deity, that can describe the natural Earth Forces, which are omnipotent, omnipresent, and eternal.) were erroneously attributed to Men, some of Renown, others Rulers of people, for the purpose of subjects & followers. The power these Men received by the claim of Godship, was like that of a Deity, which commands all to be subject, but all Men die and so, their claim is broken by time. Deities are eternal and cannot die. They may resign, but they cannot die. Thus, the Deities remained, silent for a eon, watching the foolishness of Earthly Lords claim to be them and the people who followed their tales. All have come and gone, but the Ancients of Order & Force remain, irregardless of all kind, Men or other Animal species. For the masses, blind faith is sufficient, but for the Oppressed, Free, and Enlightened, it is only a matter of time before they are awaken.

The balance of justice was created by observation of the stars and their powers. From those Forces, some Men took one Deity and attributed its power to Men. From many, they made one. Thus, being based on error, we have found the main monotheism beliefs often on the side of injustice and hypocrisy. Thus, it is not wise to take water from a well that was once sweet and pure, but is now poisoned by sitting stagnant during the turbulance of hatred, jealousy, envy, malice, and all manners of evil. To drink from that same well is to drink evil inequity and to become complacent with such and more.

The Basis of  The Title, Ancient of Order, Deity or "God"

The Ancients have given us the heavenly time of the Sun, our first Deity of Order. The Deity whose physical presence and power cannot be denied by any man or Kind. Let any Man look up with his eyes at the Sun (or sit in its presence) and be burnt, its power is proven and effective to give life and to destroy. No man has authority of its power and so, it is the original of all and the test for examination for any Deity that follows. A Deity must prove it is physically and spiritually present, upon request. The time, it has given the Ancients, has delivered to all Deities that follows, to prove their power and the method has or will not change forever for all Mankind to stand in subject and awe. This is the test plain and simple. The Sun, whose days cannot be numbered by any man has given us this time... One full rotation of its physical body, is 10-11 years in the days of Man. So that one mere day, to the Sun, our first God, is 10 years to the lesser body of a Man. Ten days to the Sun is 100 years to a Man. More than a lifetime. 100 days of the Sun is more than 1000 human years, a millennium. No Man, no civilization of any Kind can withstand its time and presence. So, its test in time is proven, physically and spiritually. All Deities must have the same test (physically & spiritually) and authority over all Men. To fail this test, is to prove, its presence does not meet the criteria to be herald as a Deity of Order and Man. One cannot be fooled by a lesser and false God, if it cannot prove its physical and spiritual power over all kind.  

Furthermore, The Ancients gave us the time of the Sun, and its path of travel and have told some, the few Deities greater than our Deity. I will not reveal such a secret of the Ancients. But I will reveal its time. A year for lesser bodies is 365.25 days according to our scholars dedicated to the discipline. However a year, to the Deity of the Sun is ever greater than us and where it travels is also such. Where it travels will determine what is a full cycle for the Sun and therefore, its time. We know, the Sun travels around another Sun, a greater Star, which is the Deity of Deities. In existence, there are recorded other Stars, which touch us and are also Forces on us. It has been said, it takes 1,461 human days for Our Sun to complete full cycle or revolution of its course. Technically, this makes one solar revolution of the Sun around its Origin, four years in human Earth years. Being that 1,461 days is exactly four years of 365.25 days. Again, one solar revolution (not rotation) is 1,461 days or four Earth human years. In other words, one actual year, is four agricultural years of 365.25 days, makes one complete cycle around the Deity of Deities, God of Gods, The Holy of Holies. 

The Call

This call is for the remembrance of the Ancients of Order. Therein, no Man can be called a Deity, for Deities are eternal, and greater than any Man, and none have authority over it. Gods are not Men. Deities are Forces that cannot be changed and they are forever. But all Men are subject to their authority, and are subject to worldly authorities, first that of their parents, then family, clan, tribe, government and the Kinds of other lesser beings (strong animals) able to destroy them. Being that, this is the first litmus of all false Gods... Is He or She a Man?

If so, then, by the test, a Man cannot be a God and therefore is false. Do not be fooled or swayed by lofty logic and persuasion. Do not be fooled by masses of followers. Or even violence or murderous martial arts, even a cat can kill a rabbit. It does not make the cat a god, but a giant. Even Holy Books, given time, those wisdoms if lost can become rotten, inverted, hijacked, or perverted. Though to the credit of Ancient cultures, the ability of groups to create sciences like ceremics or chemistry or metallurgy, and also the ability to pass knowledge to others, now recorded, can extend pass the confines of time and even generations, hence the emergence of the 1st Pharaohs or God Men. They defied time guaranteeing passing knowledge (Degrees) beyond generations through the creation or invention of writing systems, mathematic concepts, and Khemetic degrees of chemistry for the development of advance cultures. This gave mankind for the first time the ability to pass "recorded" knowledge from one generation to later generations. Hence the idea of words, spell concepts, and laws, to ensure the advantage of the group. Cultures, groups of masses of people can achieve Deity-like power through these sciences, degrees from cults, and continuity through time. United as a Force, still at best, cultures can be Giants. The litmus test is time. All cultures can be inverted, hijacked, or perverted, thus rendering the originators & their ideas, lost in time, lost to the memory. The best that can be achieved is the extension of their force to be felt from the Earth to possible the lower atmospheres of Earth. Earth is a Deity, a higher body. Men can step out and reach the Moon and other Higher Bodies, through knowledge, but at best achieve Giant-ness and nothing more... Those Men or creations of Men, may not even make it back to Earth, if the actual Forces of Nature & Deities dont allow it. Even the pursuit, though noble and lofty is non-attainable. Lower bodies simply do not contain the nature of Deities. Kinds may develop Giants, able to reach and extend beyond ordinary bounds, but the ability to be eternal is futile. Deities are simply non human.

Second, Man cannot create a Deity of Order. Deities of Order & Force are eternal and always present, some of whose laws are unknown, and rule in invisiblity. For example, the Force of Gravity has always been among Men and all Kind. Yet, it wasn't until the Ancients created vessels, wheels, ships, and observed it power, that it became widely known, a Force commands us to bow at all times. 

Nor can any descendant or creation of any Man be a God. A Man can awaken an unknown Deity of Force but cannot create a Force, which by discovery is awaken. For example, a computer cannot be Deity due to its enslavement to the imperfection and lack of knowledge of Men, its creator.

 The Ancient Schools provide the degrees for this knowledge and discipline. One must submit to be an Ancient Order Priest in the study of Chemistry, Engineering, Botany, Medicine, Mathematics, Architecture, Astronomy, Naval-Marine Science, Law and War in four year intervals totaling 40 years. These are the only Men fit to be Pharaoh again.

Discipline of Liberty

Human culture and civilization dates back almost 160,000 to 200,000 years (Oppreheimer 2000). Great people, cities, civilizations, technologies, languages, and many aspects of human development have risen and gone extinct, and the cycle repeated constantly throughout millenniums. What has remained constant across all human or Homo Sapien (Wise Human) groups is the organization into family, clan, tribe and national units for survival and continuity. These systems of mutual or involuntary cooperation and territorialism, have developed the cultures around the world and the various dominant languages, tool technologies and belief systems, which are now prevalent among human groups across the globe. Major developments like agriculture, organized governments, and specialized tools required constant cooperation between individuals, families, clans, and tribal communities. Thus, the basis of all cultures is the cooperation of individuals within their group. This is represented by all other intelligent Kinds, which require group cooperation for survival and are especially noteworthy in colonies of various kinds from insects, fish, birds, reptiles, and mammals. All species require cooperation for survival. Bees and ants are great examples for this lecture. These intelligent insects are microcosm examples of the cooperation & specialization required for the survival of the group. So much so, that the individual Bee or Ant cannot fully define a colony. The species and its purpose is best represented by its organized group in the Beehive or Ant-hill, where individuals perform specialized tasks for the group taught to them by the previous generation giving the notion of insect culture or instinct. Even their great building projects require cooperation & organization of tasks, also giving the notion of centralized intelligence among insects. The same idea is true within human families and communities, it is the natural process for survival. Every individual is born into a family and society with a duty to cooperate for the survival of the group. Therefore, the existence of the individual is nominal and is not its own specialization. No individual is greater than the group, and individuals must be constantly replaced for the survival of the group. Successful individuals are successful in cooperation within the group, and will be rewarded with additional cooperation. That said, it is important to note the non-existence of the individual, the lack of importance on the individual being individual. This is not to say individuals don't have value, it is to say, individual value is best found in their service to a group, like their family, career, society and overall community. All human society, since the first human groups walked through the jungles of Khemet (Africa), to the original river civilizations of the world, Khemet, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, the Yangze River, and the Papaloapan River required cooperation. The advance civilizations, The Phoenicians, The Bablyonians, Assyrians, Persians, Gupta, Zhou Dynasties were civilizations of great human expedentitures. And so, nature has required a constant system of reproduction to ensure we never run out of individuals to cooperate. The discipline of liberty is to understand one is not free, but one is fully indebted to the family, clan, tribe, or national society to which one belongs.

Nefarious Individualism Designs

Given the late rise of the European Civilization into a global power for intermitted spans of time in human history (Greek Civilization under Alexander the Great, Romans under Julius Ceasar, and the Roman Pontiff in the 1400s), European style feudalism economies have emerged around the world in territories under the control of their principalities. Europeans have continued ideas and concepts passed down to them from Antiquity such as law, writings, technologies and other cultural aspects with their own unique added innovations. However, in service of the success of their various realms and to maintain their dominance, hegemonic programmers have set to promote "individualism," through various means among their disenfranchised and previously, enslaved Black, Aboriginal Natives, & Poor "White"-Slav labor servant populations. As descendants of the original Man and Khemetian culture, intelligence and instinct has served them well to survive their initial enslavement period in the first three to four hundred year sojourn in these European colonies (1500-1900). However, the second phase of their enslavement using psychologic programming, redefined legal terms, restrictive monetization & living quarters, "peculiar institutions," breaking up their families, massive incarceration and altering their traditional sexual orientation, the society is set to create disassociate personalities among Blacks, Natives, and poor whites, which ultimately would be self destructive to the groups, the individual, and the entire colony as well. This is to prevent group cooperation among almost 100-200 million people living in the Americas. No Empire or Civilization can withstand the opposition of such a human force, even with nuclear energy and organized militaries. This is a most nefarious affair, not just because these are my own people, but because the danger it poses to all humans. Psychologically changing the cultural instinct of anyone, can either work to the benefit of the hegemonic designer, or develop in an unforeseen outcome, which to any African is personal. The rise in individuality and the rise in homosexuality, in a culture, which historically has marked homosexuality as taboo is a very difficult second phase of enslavement for African Americans in the United States. I only hope, these descendants of Khemetians defeat all the plans & designs being used to prevent their natural instincts to cooperation. The second tenet of Obuism is, cooperation. The 1st  tenet is People before god, or rather, People before "Giants."Then, honor the Ancient Order. So you cannot be deceived... Amen

Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Legacy of MLK Jr: The War Was Never Won



                                               Predestination of Purpose by April Alexander 2024


                            We Must Continue On by Master Cowan Amaye-Obu

The War was never won... So we must fight on, we strive on, we cry on, we reflect on, we unite on, we sing & dance on, we plan on, we educate on, we celebrate on, we find our lost family on, we love on, we give on, we take on, we lean on, we call on, we smile on, we hang on, we encourage on, we collaborate on, we pick each other up on, we run on, we keep on, we dream on, we believe on, we get on our knees & pray on, we shout on, we testify on, we get together & march on, we get together & physically fight on, we war on, we forgive but dont forget on, we write on, we read on, we remember on, we learn on, we sign on, we build on, we proceed & succeed on, we keep on... The war was never won... We must continue on ---Cowan Amaye-Obu 2024