Wednesday, February 19, 2025

128 Years of US Presidential Inaugurations 1897-2025: Speeches and Full Inaugurations


"The only thing to fear, is fear itself -Franklin D. Roosevelt Inauguration 1933."

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country -John F. Kennedy 1961."

"We must adjust to changing times, and still hold to unchanging principles -HS Teacher of Jimmy Carter 1977."

My fellow citizens and consistent viewers, West Oakland Imports presents to you a record of 128 years of Presidential Inaugurations and speeches. The ideas conveyed at these critical junctions of power transition, by the elected leaders of the United States, shines a microscopic lens on their core beliefs, and visions for administrating government. In the inaugural spirit of President Donald Trump, we urge scholars to compare and contrast, study, and educate themselves about the history and significance of the peaceful transition of power. We also urge viewers to be critical of the time capsuled ideas presented and to identify themes which are still relevant today. The following videos are for historical and educational purposes only.

-Peter Commons
West Oakland Imports Editor & Writer

The Inauguration of President Donald John Trump (Full Inauguration 1/20/2025)

For Educational/Historical Purposes Only; Courtesy of CSPAN 2025

                                            For Educational/Historical Purposes Only; Courtesy of PBS

The Inauguration of President Joseph Robinette Biden (Full Inauguration 1/20/2021)

                        All Rights Reserved CSPAN 2021; For Educational/Historical Purposes Only  



                   All Rights Reserved CNBC 2021; For Educational/Historical Purposes Only

Post Inauguration Ceremony

                   All Rights Reserved White House.GOV; For Educational/Historical Purposes only

The Inauguration of President Donald John Trump (Full Inauguration 1/20/2017)

               All Rights Reserved NBC News 2017; For Educational/Historical Purposes only

The Inauguration of President Barack H. Obama (Speech/Full Inauguration 1/20/2013)

                      For Historical/Educational Purposes Only; Courtesy of White House. Gov 2013

The Inauguration of President Barack H. Obama (Speech/Full Inauguration 1/20/2009)
                                   All Rights Reserved CNN 2001; For Educational Purposes only

The Inauguration of President George W. Bush (Speech/Full Inauguration 1/20/2001)
                            All Rights Reserved CSPAN 2001; For Educational Purposes Only
                                All Rights Reserved CNN 2001; For Educational Purposes only

The Inauguration of President William J. Clinton (Speech/full Inauguration 1/20/1993)
Courtesy of the Clinton Library 1993; For Educational Purposes Only
Full 1 of 2
                                     All Rights Reserved NBC; For Educational Purposes Only

The Inauguration of President George H.W. Bush (Speech/Full Inauguration 1/20/1989)
                                    All Rights Reserved CSPAN; For Educational Purposes Only

                         All Rights Reserves ABC New 1989; For Educational Purposes Only

The Inauguration of President Ronald Wilson Reagan (Speech/Full Inauguration 1/20/1981)
                             All Rights Reserved Ronald Reagan Presidential Library 1981;
                        All Rights Reserved Motions Vault 1981; For Educational Purposes Only

The Inauguration of President James Earl "Jimmy" Carter (Speech/Full Inauguration 1/20/1977)
                    "We must adjust to changing times, and still hold to unchanging principles."
                                      All Rights Reserved Jimmy Carter Presidential Library 1977
                                                     Educational Purposes Only
                                 Courtesy of Jimmy Carter Presidential Library 1977;

The Swearing in Ceremony of President Gerald R. Ford (Speech 8/9/1974)                      
                    Courtesy of The Gerald Ford Presidential Library; For Educational Purposes Only

The Inauguration of Richard Milhous Nixon (Speech/Full Inauguration 1/20/1969)
                            All Rights Reserved CSPAN 1969; For Educational Purposes Only

                 Courtesy of Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies 1969;
                                        For Educational Purposes Only

Inauguration of President Lyndon Baines Johnson (Swearing In/Speech/Full Inauguration 1/20/1965)

Courtesy of The Smithsonian & The Day Kennedy Died 11/22/1963; Educational use only 
                          All Rights Reserved CSPAN 1965; For Educational Purposes Only
                          Courtesy of Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies 1965;
                                        For Educational Purposes Only

The Inauguration of President John F. Kennedy ( Speech/Full Inauguration 1/20/1961)
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
Courtesy of JFK Presidential Library & CBS 1961; Educational Purposes Only

                   Courtesy of Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies 1961;
                                        For Educational Purposes Only

Inauguration of President Dwight David Eisenhower (Speech/Full Inauguration 1/21/1953)


                               All Rights Reserved National Records 1953; For educational purposes only

                                                              Full 1957
                                 Courtesy of National Archives & Records Service 1957/
                                   Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies/
                                        For Educational Purposes Only

Inauguration of President Harry S. Truman (Newsreel 1945/Swearing In Ceremony/Full Inauguration 1/20/1949

Public Domain Newsreel 1945

                                      Courtesy of WWII Public Domain National Archives 1945
                                   All Rights Reserved British Pathe' 1945; For Educational Purposes Only
                                               Inauguration of Truman 1949
                                 All Rights Reserved CSPAN 1949; For Educational Purposes only

Inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt (Full Inauguration 1/20/1933)
                               Courtesy of CSPAN 1933; For Educational Purposes Only

Inauguration of President Herbert Clark Hoover ( Silent Newsreel 1929)
                                       Courtesy of Historical Films Archives 1928
                                         Educational Purposes Only

Inauguration of President Calvin Coolidge (Three Silent News Reels 1925)

Courtesy of Pathe News 1925

Courtesy of Historic Film Archives 1923-1929/ Educational use only

          Courtesy of Warner Bros & Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies 1925/
                                   Educational Purposes Only
                        Courtesy of International News 1925/Educational Purposes Only
Inauguration of Warren G. Harding (Election Newsreel/Inauguration 1921)
                              Courtesy of Historical Films Stock Footage Pathe'  1921
                        Courtesy of National Archives 1921-1923; For Educational purposes only

2nd Inauguration of President Thomas Woodrow Wilson (Silent Reel - 1913/1917)

                                  Courtesy of Critical Point & National Archives 1917

Inauguration of President William Howard Taft (unavailable)

Inauguration of President Theodore Roosevelt (Silent Film Footage 3/4/1905)
                Courtesy of Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies 1905

Inauguration of President William McKinley (Silent Footage 1897)
                                           Courtesy of Library of Congress 1897

The above video footage documents and accounts for 128 years of US Presidential Inaugurations. The historical relevance and educational opportunity to look into the past and gather essential themes, principles, and changing times in this presentation, is invaluable. We would like to thank Youtube, the various Presidential Libraries, The Library of Congress & The National Archives, American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), National Broadcasting Company (NBC), CSPAN, Pathe' News, and The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies. for their timely contributions to the historical record here. All videos included above account for no monetary gain of Cowan Amaye-Obu, Peter Commons, or West Oakland Imports, and are to be used for educational purposes only. Thank you.

Peter Commons & West Oakland Imports 2021

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Things to Do: Black History Month 2025


                                               We Family Love Daniel Raticliff; Akron Beacon Journal

February is African American History Month in the United States, and this year, in 2025, The American Mastodon Publication would like to help Black America set the narrative. Black History, is not solely for the profit and capitalism by Large American Corporations, but for the education and remembrance of the long history of Africans in America. In 1926, Carter G. Woodson, the "Father of Black History," and author of The Miseducation of the Negro, initiated the celebration of Negro History Week to correspond with the birthdays of our great Forerunners, Frederick Douglas, and Abraham Lincoln. In 1976, Negro History Week, expanded to the entire month of February. This year, in 2025, the reelection of President Donald Trump, brings a host of shifting national issues which distract Blacks from concentrating on the major concerns of the African American community including housing (affordable & gentrification of Historic Black neighborhoods), employment, education, black on black violence in service of self hatred, mass incarceration, disparities in healthcare, the government family court intrusion in breaking Black families, the coerce treatment of Black businesses & economics, and one of the most glaring fights with the marketing of sex, drugs, and violence to our youth, in the sponsorship of hyperviolent-hypersexualized Black music and film. The fight for our generation is dare for the sake of our future children in the United States, to live free to determine their destiny and not as the re-enslaved, our sisters as sexual prostitutes, brothers as prisoners, our families broken by the US Court System, or our culture as an immoral communities of people from a glorious past. We must reignite the spirit of commemoration of the African American experience and the love for our Elders. Thus, we would like to challenge all African Americans to plan Family Reunions, Family Brunches, and to redraw Family Trees. We would also like to encourage African American Tours of Black Museums and African American Historical sites across the United States. These are Things to Do: Black History Month 2025

                                                     River Bend Reunion by John Holyfield

1. Plan Family Reunions or Family Brunches (Form Committees in the Family to organize the event & use family, local, & Black businesses to furnish the lodging, event space, decorations, food, and book signing.)

2. Draw Family Trees & create Photo Albums

3. Tour African American Museums and African American Historical Sites (This list does not include a complete list of Museums & Sites. For example, my favorite museum is the National Museum of Black American Music in Nashville Tennessee. Each State has specific African American Heritage Sites, for example, Florida, Fort Moses.

4. Plant Flowers & Tokens at the Cemetery to celebrate your Family Ancestors, who've "crossed over the river." Send your love, pray for their support, and make sure your children know where their loved ones are buried.

5. Attend Black History Festivals & Celebrations

6. Attend African Drum & Dance Class

7. Support Black American Businesses: Make a real effort to spend money within our community, beginning with businesses owned by your own family & friends.

8. Read a novel by an African or African American Author. The AMP Approved List of Short Stories & Novels will be updated continuously.

9. Enjoy African American Films. List will be updated.

10. Join or volunteer for a local African American organization.

The American Mastodon Publication is proud to celebrate Black History Month 2025 and to challenge African Americans to set their own narrative, organize family functions, and to educate themselves on the long experience of Africans in the United States.

Written by Cowan Amaye-Obu

Director Satuye Cultural Arts & Science Coalition/Editor of The Dancing Mastodon Magazine


Black Art Depot

                                              Priceless Moments by Dennis Jinguo Dai

                                                               Papa's Girls by Robert Jackson

                                                              Courtin by John Holyfield


Carter G Woodson; Association of African American Life & History
Miseducation of the Negro; Carter G Woodson 1936
Frederick Douglas; National Park Service
Abraham Lincoln; White House
Wikipedia Foundation: African American Museums & African American Sites
Things Fall Apart; Chinua Achebe 1958
Southern Belle; Black Business