Monday, January 28, 2019

Together We Stand, Divided America Will Fall: Documentary Series

                                                          Photo Courtesy of IMDB 2019

The American Experiment is under threat from within as issues of race, class, religion, gender, inequity, and the environment threaten to foil the collaboration of civil society. This statement, is troubling as the American Brand of wholesome family living, undergoes a velocity of change spirited by nasty politics, massive corporate & technological agendas, and huge sums of money concentrated in the hands of the few. The match is set, for manufacturing consent and ideas, through television & Hollywood, radio, Church pulpits, and paid censorship of the Internet, for Americans to be divided on every essential issue that will determine the course of this great nation for the next decade. How will we address our environmental concerns? Will Americans have access to clean water? Is the rising cost of living going to evict millions onto the streets? Is the American diet, a health concern? Will I be able to earn a decent living wage? Is the educational system dysfunctional? Why is the government allowing companies to buy and sell our personal information? Why is the government storing data about our personal lives and how is this data being used?
                                                            Photo Courtesy of IMDB 2019
This month, we present two informative, jaw-dropping, and gripping Documentaries. The Creepy Line (M.A. Taylor 2018), is a exploratory documentary of Google & other social media Giants, how these companies operate and their agendas. The second, Fahrenheit 11/9 (Moore 2018), Michael Moore turns his cameras on the Election of President Donald Trump, the issues facing the country at the time, and the implications of the "perfect storm" for the future of America. Both films reveal a drastic change in business & politics in the United States. Both films call for Americans to unite and stand up to the corruption, greed, and decadence ruining the nation, and setting the American people against each other. Both films are featured free of charge on Amazon Prime. Sit down with the family and consider the State of our Union, as it really is and not as what we are told it is.

-Peter Commons

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