Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Call for Industrializing Black America and Black Africa

The ability to self regulate and control the economic destiny and to provide economic security in one's country is true independence and nationhood. Without the emergence of industry and the national self regulation to protect the resources of one's nation, the fate of the country will be in the hands of the foreign industrialists, who will decide what products are available for purchased in the markets and who will from outside your country, determine what is of value in the minds of the people through constant advertisements and the ubitquious presence of their products. For example, if you have automobiles in your country and an organized system of roadways, but no automobile makers, then the entire transportation industry will be controlled by outside foreign transportation interests, who decide where roads are to be built and for what purpose. This example is unique because at the moment, out of the 55 countries on the continent of Africa, not one has an official domestic automobile maker. However, thousands of miles of road has been built to transport resources in and out of the country. Furthermore, the purchase of automobiles allows for cash flow to exit the country in vast amounts to foreign corporations who in turn use the monies to assist their foreign national government interests. The automobile industry must account for a huge amount of cash flow wealth extraction, which exits the African continent or Black communities each year.

For Blacks living in the United States, participation in industry is not a new concept. In the early history of the United States from the 17th Century to the 20th Century, trillions of dollars have been made for White American industrialists, planters, banks, and shippers, using Blacks as laborers and skilled workers in the cotton, sugar, tobacco, and various industries, in which Blacks were the dominate labor force. Even today, Blacks in the US will spend $1.1 trillion dollars in 2014-2015, to be reaped by foreign Corporate owners. This mass extraction of wealth from the Black American communities has been routine beginning in the trans- Atlantic Slave Trade and has built a huge section of the wealth in the United States or rather, the European and Asian world, past and present. The ability to retain the income of Blacks in their communities, is crippled by their lack of industrial ownership. Blacks participate, but do not share in reaping the benefits of their participation as a whole, for their neighborhoods are often dilapidated, their neighborhood businesses controlled by foreigners, and thus their families spoiled due to the extraction of wealth (monies or the people themselves) and destructive corporate commercial policies (drugs & alcohol, police security, food choice, education, concept of beauty, environmental negligence, etc.) In many ways, Black communities in the United States are in the same economic situation as Black communities in Africa and worldwide. The failure of the Black nation in the United States to understand and perceive this fact is the primary reason for its continuation. If we use the above example of automobile purchases versus automobile makers in the Untied States, billions of dollars is taken out of the Black Communities to be given to foreign automobile makers (German, Japanese, Korean, White American etc.) who neither live or invest in their respective communities. Had those monies remained, would Black American communities be havens for illegal drugs, hedonistic products, crime, poor education, or any of the various issues facing them? The answer is undoubtable no.

While the many white Americans may not individually possess ill racial prejudices against Blacks, their sublime alliegence to the status quo or failure to retain reformation measures within American society, whether as a backlash to civil rights or the amnesia of the purpose of installing certain laws, allows for White Americans as a whole to continue to effectively crush Blacks under the same racist economic agenda as the antebellum period, whether conscious or not. The same can be said for Europeans and their relation to Black countries in Africa, the Caribbean, and South America. Successful Blacks, without recognition of the economic situation of the Black community as a whole, also perpetuate a crushing economic agenda against Black nations, with the exception of many Black Industrialists & Entrepreneurs who invest in Black communities, but including the educated to highly educated, who essentially become laborers in the traditional Euro-Asian economic structure. High education of Blacks also contributes to the outflow of millions of dollars to the education industry, while few question this analysis because of the benefit and danger of losing this "privilege stance," in the economic structure. Many prominent Blacks have become allied with the traditional economic structure which serves to devalue Black communities of any value. This is a telling dilemma among intellectuals who recognize an imperial or colonial "stranglehold," on the world economy, which in many ways is less free competition and more anti-Black competition. An anti-Black competition economic structure whether on purpose or unintentional allows for the continual extraction of wealth from Black communities worldwide. For this reason, the industrialization of Black America and Black Africa is imperative.

There are many industries to begin this process, clothing, cosmetics, food, media publishing (television programming, Newspaper, magazine, website), computer, marketing, drug, medical, construction, waste, natural resource utility, agriculture-husbandry, educational, transportation (auto, rail, ship commerce, and air), scientific, communication, banking, military, law and any post modern industry. The ability to begin profiting from such enterprises is already being reaped and has been for centuries by foreign organizations. The purchasing power of Blacks worldwide each year is well into the trillions of dollars. The goal of each industry will be to supply the products needed by Blacks communities to perpetually thrive domestically. A perpetually thriving domestic economic structure in the Black community will produce products which serve some benefit for Blacks and thereby naturally addresses many of the issues facing the Black community today. For, further example, an African center auto industry would produce vehicles which use African resources and restructure the design of where roads are built and how. If an African Auto Industry developed electric environmentally friendly vehicles, these cars would change the domestic economies in which cash flow would cease to flow outward, but inward towards themselves.

(excerpt by Cowan Amaye-Obu 2014)  
 It is short sighted and corrupt to depend on the Global European status quo and their current major markets of goods, oil, and other refined raw materials, to provide the budgets for our African nations. This shows in fact that our participation in the Global capitalist system, up to the point of the above recognition of shortsightedness, has been to the advantage of the buyer and not the seller. For example, Nigerian oil prices can be determined by foreign interests, soliciting to buy oil at a comfortable price, but at a huge opportunity cost of environmental pollution, resource extraction, and a myriad of other local & national issues. If the Nigerian economy and infrastructure, instead was the major consumer and developer of their own oil & its byproducts, then their participation in the World Oil market would be better suited. In the end, the precious Nigerian oil is purchased at far lower prices than valued because the interest of the seller is to sell, amid varying price levels.  If the Nigerian Government continues to depend on oil revenues to line the government budget coffers, and fail to develop and invest in the local infrastructures of the areas where the oil has been taken, then when oil is no longer a major commodity worldwide, the lost of revenue coupled with the lost of trust by the local clans would be sufficient enough to spark a second Civil War, due to the reasons mentioned above. 

To move this challenge forward, I would like to outline goals for individual African Nations to obtain. I support the country of Nigeria creating an automobile, preferably electric for future gains, but designed for the Nigerian oil sector.

Also, Solar Energy is the industry of the 21st Century. Fear of Nuclear Power has led the nation of Japan to declare its intention on becoming 100% Solar by  2040. Germany has stated that half of its energy will be produced by renewable energy by 2050. And at the dawn of the historic flight of Solar Impulse 2, an aircraft powered by Solar energy, the writing is on the wall for global markets... Go solar or bust! Global Warming is the bust, in this cliche and it doesn't take a genius to know the potential of developing a renewable infrastructure before the rest of the world.

Solar Power should be an investment in the development, implementation, and consequential educational sustainment on the African continent. What place in the world commands more sun light than the nations of this continent. Why should the USA, Japan, and Germany lead the industry in obtaining a resource like sunlight, which we are more than abundant with? If we allow this lead by those above nations, we will again find ourselves selling our natural resources for our lost and their gain, just like with our precious oil, and other raw materials. Corporate giants from Europe, America and Asia will be knocking of the door of African nations for their access to Solar Energy. Why not use this information to begin designing our redevelopment based on ideals which are essential to African customs and not foreign interest. Foreigners came to Africa and built roads and train stations through our precious forests, and dug up acres of beautiful land for mining, based on what foreign Nations value. This 21st Century, we have the opportunity to reverse the Global Market Place in our favor and in return, restore that confidence which once graced our entire continent with the immense wealth, the love of ourselves and pride in our various African customs. Let the nations of Africa invest in themselves, and in the future of natural renewable resources, and watch their posterity relive the days in the Land of Gods, Kings and Queens.

Friday, July 18, 2014

How African Nations Can Liberate Their Economies in the 21st Century

"You can fool some people, sometimes. But you can't fool all the people, all the time."
                                                                                     -Bob Marley/Get Up Stand Up

Due to invasion after invasion into the continent of Africa, by the means of physical warfare, intellectual warfare, religious warfare, economic warfare, and a host of other subverting activities, the nations of Africa have literally been ravished for its people, nonrenewable resources, and capital for the past five hundred years. The withdrawal of material from one geographic area can only be sustained for a finite period and the withdrawal is also telling of the actual reality in this world.

The ancestors and Deities of Africa enriched this continent and its people, with immense wealth. Contrary to popular belief, Africans and the continent of Africa are rich. Africans have provided so much value to the world, to have impoverished people in any area of Africa, considering the amount of wealth being extracted from the continent, means the control of African resources is being outsourced (taken out) to foreign nations including Europe, Asia, and the United States. In other words, the continent is being spoiled, like in terms of war and its riches are being divided among the victors.

Understanding that the entire continent of Africa is suffering from an unpublished, undeclared war is the first step. Identifying the various sources of this warfare and its conspirators is the next step. For the past five hundred years, African voices have been silenced, kidnapped, enslaved, or killed. Those voices were raising awareness of the hypocrisies of the system, which exposed the raw truth of the reality facing Africa and its people.

So, how do nations inside Africa, stop the export of their wealth, the exploitation of their people, and the manipulation of their economies to Foreign Banks, Corporations, and Countries? Continental and National Protectionism... This economic policy has served Great Britain, the United States, and many of the European Nations, as well as Japan, very well over the past five centuries. Forget free trade, this concept does not exist in absolute terms and open markets have generally lead the nations of Africa to its current state of precariousness. If, the African Union, or individual national Assemblies can carefully devise a plan of Protectionism for each of its member nations, then the tides including the current of wealth extraction to foreigners will immediately turn to the import of wealth because the same greedy, smiley, Financiers of African goods and materials, still in need will finally have to pay true market value plus tariffs to sustain their current and future markets. The result will be an exchange of power back from the buyer to the supplier of wealth in the world. Sounds easy, think twice.

Remember, there has been an unpublished, undeclared war on Africa and it peoples for centuries. One cannot simply ask his enemy to take his boot out of ones neck. In fact, one should expect additional blows from insulting the position of victory of the enemy. Instead, African Nations must play the game of war in return. Freedom is not won with flowers, nice words in apology, and easy truces. Freedom is hard fought for with sweat, tears, blood, and causalities. The liberation of Africa will take nothing short of war and all wars must begin with a distraction to create an enemy image. For example, if massive nation wealth is being extracted from the people by organized religious means, then publish how religion negatively affects the people (Priest steals money or molests children) and reenpower the Religion of our Fathers to replace the foreign organized religion. Of course the re-emergence of the traditional religions must be organized, based on facts, and reformed to suit the wellbeing and interest of the community and people. But understand, that the wealth once being extracted by Foreign religion to outside countries, will now flow inward to the people. Turn the tide of religious warfare.

If, wealth is being physically extracted by means of commerce in economic warfare, then again, create a distraction, undeclare a physical economic war, with the foreigner as an enemy image. Stop trade of whatever the mineral or material due to an incident. Then declare that there is much less of the material then originally thought. If you have to stop trade for months to years, it is profitable to gain this upper hand in trade. The buyer must supply his markets and can only hold out for so long and he can even leave to find other suppliers. But you, now control the goods, the prices, how much you want to sell and for how much. In fact, attempt to process the goods into the same finished product that the buyer wanted to make, and you have not only become his competitor, but you have become his competitor who can sell to him... A rival is now what you are and beware because this is a game of war & chess. However, because of the steps you've taken, your no longer a pawn piece, you are the King, and the nation now looks to you in value and not the foreign buyer.

If, wealth is being taken out of the village by intellectual warfare, then you must study, how are you being attacked intellectually? If you are being taught that being White or European has more value than being African or Black, or that being Arab, Muslim, Christian, American, European etc. is more valuable and more right, and that everything about your community, region, tribe, or clan is wrong, then you must clearly define what your community is and at every chance in books, television, school, and internet show how smart, beautiful, and great your very own culture is. You must also paint the foreigner in a less admirable, negative view. This will tilt the intellectual warfare in your favor. You and everthing that is African, will become great, normal, righteous, and good. While the foreigner will become small, petty, unrighteous, and not good. Once you are believed to be smarter, then nothing intellectually can stand in the way of your community! You will produce miracles and wonders where once was no hope of good.

If, your nation is being attacked by physical warfare, with internal factions... To Be continued.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Marvel Black Panther Series Episode 8-9

Dear Black Panther Fans,

As promised, the next and final episode 8-9 is featured... It is funny how the story of the Black Panther is so similar to many African nations in real life. But that is another story. Enjoy!

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Plan...

There has been decades of discourse, conventions, and protests about the state of Black Americans in America. Our leaders and prophets have been killed or silenced, and our situation has become precarious. So, as an Amaye-Obu, let me give you the allegory of the cave. A continent so enriched in material wealth (like salt, silver, gold, diamonds, oil, lithium, uranium etc), is not meant to have an impoverished people. A people who live on a continent as blessed as Africa, are blessed by the Ancient Dieties to be wealthy. To live in a world where the exact opposite is true is a backward reality. So, do not be fooled... Cast off your shackles and lead humanity into the new golden age of the Spirit.

Black Americans are truly a wealthy people and they come from a truly wealthy place. Even now, the wealth is being sold, manipulated out, or flat out stolen. How backwards we have allowed ourselves to become. But the first rule in finding the truth is recognizing you've been tricked. So, I challenge Black Americans in 2014 and 2015 to take the $1.1 trillion dollars we spend and spend it among Black Businesses and Black products. And let us start to regain, what is truly ours in the first place. Say no, to being enslaved to a system that takes your money to pay the bills and yes to a system that employs your people, love, values, community, and spirit. Let me help you, with The Plan...

-Cowan Amaye-Obu

Black Panther Animated Series Episode 6-7

Dear Black Panther Fans,

I'm so happy to see you are enjoying this series. I will try not to keep you waiting, so you don't have to call me and tell me to put the next episode up. Love you folks who do... Feel free to look around, but don't buy anything. This one's on me. So grab some popcorn, take a seat, and enjoy our new favorite superhero, the Black Panther!

-Cowan Amaye-Obu

Monday, July 7, 2014

Black Panther pt. 4-5

Hey, Black Panther Fans, here is another chapter in our series. And remember to remind Marvel Animation that the love of the Black Panther is awesome.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Black Panther Animated Series Episode 3-4

Please enjoy this installment of the Black Panther Animated Series, episode 3-4.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Marvel (and Amaye-Obu LLC) presents... The Black Panther Cartoon Series...

The Black Panther Cartoon series was completed by Marvel Animation in partnership with Black Entertainment Television in 2010. Unfortunately, the series was successfully shoved under the rug by both organizations, as it debuted in Australia in 2010. Why Australia? Who knows, but Netflixs also pulled the cartoon after weeks of successful viewship 2010-2011. Ultimately, Black Panther's instrumental role in Marvel's Avengers Cartoon series (Earth's Mightiest Heroes 2010-2012) was eliminated for a more docile character, Red Falcon, in the 2013 series. Thus, it is left to me to re-present a great series completed by Marvel. I would like to Present, The Black Panther...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Life Can Be Funny: Animal Jokes + 1 Real Life

1. No one's gonna believe that a possum fight last night, lead to the dent in my neighbors car. So, I will just let him speculate...

2. You are being hunted, if a group of Mosquitoes get into a football huddle, look at you, then break…

3. Walking down the sidewalk a roach pushed me into the bushes. Something has to be done about these Florida Roaches!

Real Life

Farted by accident during Yoga class and broke the concentration of the person next to me... I just pretended like nothing happened!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Coolest Man Alive by Cowan Amaye-Obu (2013)

For some reason, Youtube, won't allow the release of my non-profit personal video featuring lovely family & friend photos. Posting a link to the Coolest Man Alive video, is going to lead to another post, in which I will ask the effects of why Corporate America funded scholarships for law students to study Intellectual Property? Enjoy!

The Coolest Man Alive by Cowan Amaye-Obu (2013)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Say No, to the 'No-Zero Grading Policy!"

As a former Orange County Public School (OCPS) teacher, corrupt educational practices consciously reduced my passion and pushed me out of the teaching profession. One major issue, which I found alarmingly destructive was often disguised as productive and  “good for the students,the No-Zero Grading Policy.
Grades not only reflect how well a student is performing, but determine how effective a teacher and to a greater extent, a school is. The No Zero Policy, is a school-wide grading policy where students no longer receive grades lower than 50%. For example, a student who completes 30% of their work, and is due a 30% in the marking period, would be manually given a 50% at report card time. While a student, who receives a 55% or 65%, does not receive any special additional points or waivers of grade performance. In the short term, this policy helps students performing poorly, improve their grades through make up assignments at a drastically faster pace. In the long run, this policy produces a fictitious school-wide reflection of how well a student body is scholastically performing. Eventually, this leads to lower tests scores on Standardize tests and even a substandard curriculum which is used to constantly adjust to the abilities of the students.
In Orange County Public Schools, the biggest racket is the grading policy. Schools who institute the No Zero Policy are routinely graded and compared to schools who do not institute the No Zero Policy. Thus, giving an fictitious air of superiority to schools with A grades, and consequences to schools with D or F grades, most likely not instituting the No Zero Grading Policy. However, studies show, these school do not perform any better on State Standardized Tests. The difference is the willingness of school officials to cave into pressure from State and District Officials, who pressure the Principals, who in turn force teachers to turn in their grades with nothing less than a 50% or be reprimanded.
As a Senior Intern in 2008, I sat in a Teacher faculty meeting where the Principal handed down this new policy. And I never imagined that the “No Zero Policy” would spread from that middle school cafeteria to each of the five different schools that I taught. The policy remains fraudulent, an enabler of poor performance in students, and the primary reason, meeting education standards will continue to dwindle in the state of Florida.
Say No, to the “No-Zero Policy.”

Written by Mr. Cowan Amaye-Obu former Howard Middle School Teacher, OCPS Charter School Teacher