Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The African Census Celebration Topics: The Effect of Economic Sanctions


                       Cuban Trade Embargo Courtesy of Public Forum Debate 2016; 2020 

The Effect of Economic Sanctions: Zimbabwe & Cuba

The fall of Zimbabwe's Great Champion, Sir Robert Mugabe, in 2017, after two decades of economic & trade sanctions by the British Commonwealth, The United Nations, and The United States, exposed the imposed catastrophe caused by Western Powers on Regimes, who do not bend to their wills. Zimbabwe lost its faith in what is their inherited right to life & prosperity, without undue influence or oppression on their own land. Zimbabweans did not hold strong to the ideals of their sovereignty, and right to self determination. In exchange for concessions to neighboring powers, they have sought to appease The West, and unfortunately, have lost all the hard fought gains of healthcare, education, labor, agriculture, and pride made by the Mugabe Administration. If you ask Zimbabweans in 2020, were they better off under Robert Mugabe, the crowd roars of yes! The effects of economic sanctions is serious business. African nations under sanctions are under real threat of failure and the people become casualties. 

The prevailing idea of sanctions is not only punishing tough-minded governments, but in seducing the people of a nation to overthrow their government and accept the will of The West. Occidentalism, or Westernism is based on European ideals, democracy, but specifically more important, Capitalism. It is a vacuum of endless choice, Coca Cola or Pepsi, television or cell phone, house or car, and it surely is the Achilles Heel of the entire structure. When values, culture, and tradition eliminate choice, the system cannot function. However, refusing the great Western Empire is a gamble that is sometimes successful and many times, miserable, as what righteous people would subscribe to their own enslavement? Economic sanctions devastated the beautiful island nation of Haiti, but the righteous culture endured. Sanctions are exactly what is preventing many nations from achieving their potential and inherited prosperity. Only, it is the crucible of long suffering, faith, and values that produce truly great families, the basis of great civilizations. Let us, take a moment to see the effects of 60 years of economic sanctions in real time on the beautiful island of Cuba.

 In collaboration with The American Mastodon Publication and in celebration of The African Census 2020-2021, due later this December, we present, The War on Cuba produced by The Belly of the Beast.The story of Cuba and the revolution of its people is profound, finding its roots in the resistance from feudal slavery by the Spanish & The Barons of The United States. There are few examples of the pursuit of justice being hindered by real evil, greed, and enemies of common people. Listen and learn, but check back in for the complete African Census 2020-2021. God Bless Cuba and the Cuban people! Thank you!

Written by Cowan Amaye-Obu

Writer/Editor at The American Mastodon Publication

Please donate to the The Belly of the Beast

                                         The War on Cuba by The Belly of the Beasts Pt. 1-3


                                                     Courtesy of Belly of the Beast 2020


1. The War on Cuba The Belly of the Beast 2020

2. Resolved: The US Should Lift The Embargo on Cuba- Public Forum Debate 2016


3. Mugabe's Legacy Real Stories 2019


4. Failure of Zimbabwe- Rising Tensions in Zimbabwe DW News 2020



Saturday, November 28, 2020

African President of the Week: The 1st President of Zambia, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda


 African President of the Week: Zambian President, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda

 In coordination with the American Mastodon Publication (AMP) and the release of The African Census 2020-2021, the AMP publishes a weekly honorary award to African Presidents, who've transcended the tumultuous pressure to capitalize and Occidentalize their national realms in the face of modernization. These contemporary figures exemplify the courage, understanding, vigilance, and sophisticated posturement, in the face of true orchestrated violence, pressing foreign interests, and the gravity of the present needs of their citizens, and the people of Africa. The African Presidents of the Week, are our Beacons of Progress into the African 21st Century and beyond.

                                                         Faces of Africa: CCTV Africa; CTGN 

"The world needs to know the story of Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, the world needs to know that even in troubled times, trouble in the world, where we are faced with war, where we are faced with angish, when we are faced with hatred, there is still a man, who loves you and me, irrespective of where you come from, and irrespective of the color. It is very rare in these times. It is time the world stood up and gave credit to this great man. A son of Africa, son of Zambia, and son of the world. -CTGN Correspondent."

The significance of successfully obtaining independence from the mighty British African Colonial Empire and leading a nation against their oppressors in a peaceful movement for liberation, is such a profound testimony, the message is a lesson of what is possible in today's war-torn world. Dr. Kenneth Kaunda was the first and founding President of Zambia, during the wave of Pan-African Independence Movements in the late 20th Century. His model of Peaceful transition, was used to assist fellow African Nations, who sued for independence and self-determination. The vision and framework laid under his leadership, has lead Zambia to a bright and prosperous future. Join The American Mastodon Publication in celebrating, our African President of the Week, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda

Written by Mr. Cowan Amaye-Obu for The American Mastodon Publication



Dr. Kenneth Kaunda; Faces of Africa Series; CCTV-CTGN 2014

Kenneth Kaunda; Wikipedia Foundation; San Francisco 2020

Zambia; Wikipedia Foundation; San Francisco 2020

African Census 2020-2021; The American Mastodon Publication; Baltimore December 2020



Saturday, November 7, 2020

The 46th President-Elect Joe Biden Victory Speech

 After four days of contest, the United States 2020 election ends with the declaration of the 46th President-Elect, Joe Biden.

                                   Joe Biden Victory Speech Courtesy of Joe Biden Campaign


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The African President of the Week: President Paul Kagame

 African President of the Week: Rwandan President Paul Kagame

 In coordination with the American Mastodon Publication (AMP) and the release of The African Census 2020-2021, the AMP publishes a weekly honorary award to African Presidents, who've transcended the tumultuous pressure to capitalize and Occidentalize their national realms in the face of modernization. These contemporary figures exemplify the courage, understanding, vigilance, and sophisticated posturement, in the face of true orchestrated violence, pressing foreign interests, and the gravity of the present needs of their citizens, and the people of Africa. The African Presidents of the Week, are our Beacons of Progress into the African 21st Century and beyond. 

                                               Photo Courtesy of News Times Paul Kagame

It is a given, the international climate among nations has seen a significant rise in divisions based on race, religion, class, and political agendas. However, specifically, the politics of hatred is a deadly game. No where are the consequences of such a game of tribalism more evident than the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, where over 800,000 people were butchered and killed within 100 days. The experience would spark the Great African War (1994-2003) and destabilize the entire region. This is why President Paul Kagame is The American Mastodon Publication President of the Week. Out of the ashes of the horrific, the nation of Rwanda has managed to bring itself from genocide to model state. And this is no small feat, as the legacy of genocide lingers, the tears bring conversation. The healing and restoration of Rwanda is a symbol of perseverance, long suffering, and a recommitment to building humanity. We celebrate President Kagame and Rwanda for their testimony to Africans & the world!



President Paul Kagame- Time Interviews

Sunday, October 25, 2020

African President of the Week

 African President of the Week: Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali

In coordination with the American Mastodon Publication (AMP) and the release of The African Census 2020-2021, the AMP publishes a weekly honorary award to African Presidents, who've transcended the tumultuous pressure to capitalize and Occidentalize their national realms in the face of modernization. These contemporary figures exemplify the courage, understanding, vigilance, and sophisticated posturement, in the face of true orchestrated violence, pressing foreign interests, and the gravity of the present needs of their citizens, and the people of Africa. The African Presidents of the Week, are our Beacons of Progress into the African 21st Century and beyond.

                                              Ethiopian Prime Minister Nobel Peace Prize Speech 2019

The nation known to Ancient Kemetians as Athtiu-abu, was later called by the Greeks, Ethiopia, or the "land of the Burnt Face people." Earlier and more prosperous times the place was known as a region of Ancient Nubia and the land of the Kush. The Axum Kingdom wrote its scripts in Ge'ez and were a power of the Age. Abyssinia or Ethiopia, in modern times has continued to be a conglomeration of Ancient Clans, the faiths of Monotheism, and the crucible of compromise. As Ethiopia move towards development, out of the bloodstain past, famine, the Eritrean & Somalian Wars, and shadowy past of the overthrow of the Late Emperor, Haile Selassie, blessings can once again be bestowed on this ancient nation of people. The American Mastodon Publication calls to resist attempts to create a deep state by Ultra-Nationalists and Foreign Conspirators, who have benefited from chaos in Ethiopia. There has been obvious attempts to spark a civil war in the already war torn nation due to recent gains in peace & development. And special prayers for the Prime Minister and the 2019 Nobel Prize Laureate of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed Ali. He is the epitome of conviction, strength, and resillence in the face of orchestrated violence from the enemies of Ethiopians and Africans. Our African President of the Week is Abiy Ahmed Ali .


Nobel Peace Prize 2019

Assassination Attempt; France 24; 2019 

Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali Documentary

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The American Mastodon Publication Presents... African President of the Week

 In coordination with the American Mastodon Publication (AMP) and the release of The African Census 2020-2021, the AMP publishes a weekly honorary award to African Presidents, who've transcended the tumultuous pressure to capitalize and Occidentalize their national realms in the face of modernization. These contemporary figures exemplify the courage, understanding, vigilance, and sophisticated posturement, in the face of true orchestrated violence, pressing foreign interests, and the gravity of the present needs of their citizens, and the people of Africa. The African Presidents of the Week, are our Beacons of Progress into the African 21st Century and beyond.


                                                   Photo Courtesy of UN News Sept. 2019

The resilience to address real orchestrated violence, which has held the people of his nation hostage for 25 years to violent Islamic Extremists & their Foreign Conspirators, is one of the many paramount reasons for this week's selection. The vigilance to reconstruction showing tangible progress in a once "Paradise," and "Holy Land," shows why His Excellency, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, President of Somalia, is Our African President of the Week. The life of this once American Bureaucrat, and former Somalian Prime Minister turned Somalian President, cannot fit within the sentences of this column. Nor has His sacrifice been abridged or brief. The people of Somalia are one of the most historical on Earth, and their suffering must end. There is no coincidence that the key to African continental sovereignty coincides with the security and well being of Somalia and its people. The AMP salutes President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, for his public work and continued sacrifice for the people of Somalia.

                                                        UN Assembly Address Sept. 2019


Somalian President; UN News Sept. 26, 2019

Former Prime Minister Elected President; NY Times Feb. 2017 

Renounce; Bloomberg Aug. 2019

UN Assembly Address; UN News Sept. 2019


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Stone Builders


To Be... Legacy in Stone

As a belief, to believe in simply Being, is sufficient enough to classify one's religion. Our religion is to Be. Nothing more and nothing less. However, religions change and disciplines fade save strict adherents to the tenets of one's belief. Thus, if one is to establish any institution worthy of succession then one should consider the lesson of the Three Little Pigs..

One may build a house of straw, but it will not suffice when the enemy comes to shake its foundation. One may build a house of sticks and wood, but it too will not suffice when the enemy comes to test its fortitude. The insect eats, the rodent festers, and the wood rots. There is one sure foundation upon which to build one's home, civilization, and future, and it is stone. In stone, you will find strength and longevity. The Ancient Kemetians, whose cornerstone laid the foundation for all following civilizations, remains even today, with belief in this rule. Be, here and remain...

Finally, this tenet is useful in discussing legacy and establishing long term realities. To Be, like stone is one reality. To Be, has infinite realities. For example, in discussing change, Be like Water, fluid and shapeless. The lesson here is the fourth rule, build in stone.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Obuism- On The Ripple Effect

                                                            Skipping Rock Photo

The lesson of the rock being thrown into the water, which causes a ripple is profoundly important to understand. This simple cause and effect, ripples exponentially throughout the entire medium until it is unnoticeable, but still evident and submerged by stronger currents and other ripples.

The Social Ripple Effect occurs in the medium of air and society. Take this lesson to the occasion of a bad decision, event, or intention. The ramifications of the consequences, ripple throughout our social society, until the entire group is effected. Seemingly, invisible or even abated, the ripple effect becomes ubiquitous so that the initial cause is now accepted as normal. Thus, the ripple effect of an evil deed, an evil society emerges. The same is true of positive decisions, event or intention. The Ripple Effects of a good deed, eventually leads to a righteous society.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Obuism - The Matrix & Observable Dimensions of Existence

                                                            Photo courtesy of Big Think.Org

This study is a lesson on matter. There are multiple Observable Dimensions of matter (existence).

1st Dimension: The Horizontal plane
2nd Dimension: The Shadow
3rd Dimension: All Living Space
4th Dimension: All Non-Living/Dead Space
5th Dimension: Thought & Time
6th Dimension: The sum total of all the above. The Entire Matrix
7th Dimension: Another Horizontal Plane... (Then Add additional Dimensions)

All observable dimensions can be perceived by the seven senses. Sight, Smell, Hearing, Taste, Touch, Thought, and Speech (sound). The senses decipher the sum total of all the dimensions in its entirety, which includes the horizontal plane and outer space's Dark Matter, the gel holding all the parts stable. There are also, Un-Observable Dimensions. However, this study specifically addresses only the Observable Dimensions.

How Dimensions Interact

Each dimension can interact with another by some form of manipulation. There are various forms of manipulation including sound, light, darkness, gravity/force, heat, and cold. Manipulation of the dimension occur by wave, particle, or force. The physical states of matter (solid, liquid, gas, & plasma) all act in accordance with the principals of manipulation within the plane. The interaction between the 1st- 4th dimensions can be observed using manipulation. Interaction between the 3rd-4th Dimension can be both physical and non-physical. One observable interaction between the 3rd-4th Dimension is death. In Death, the physical substance of the living remains in the 3rd realm, but loses its Essence, soul, or living spirit. The cycle of life and death, consciousness and non-consciousness, whereby all non-living and living are created and destroyed.

Elemental Forces

All life springs from Non-Living Sources. These processes must be initiated by two or more elemental forces. The elemental forces provide the source of energy needed to create life, as well as, additional Non-living material. The elemental forces are Magnetism (Electromagnetism), Gravity, Fire, Air, Water, Earth Soil(or other planetary relative, meaning, if we were on Mar or Saturn, the planet substance would be the force), & Plasma. Gravity is by far the strongest of all the elements, acting upon all matter at every moment of existence. These elemental forces must be considered sources of energy and minor Deities. These elemental forces are Lords of the Observable Dimensions, responsible for the creation of all Non-living and Living. The Acts of God or the Minor Deities are central to all life and is not only a calculation, but also the cause or the effect, in an event.

Minor Deities
Magnetism (Electromagnetism)
Thought & Time
Planetary Soil

Higher Bodies- Major Deities
Magnetism (Electromagnetism)
Higher Non Lower Being Thought & Time

Lower Beings
Non Living Elements
All Living Species

The single most complex creation is metal, created by elemental forces within a Star. The presence of metal on different planets reveals the interaction between the Stars and planets. Furthermore, detailing the cycle of creation and death, compressing matter & space, just to begin the process again. Nature does not begin on Earth. Nature begins with the entire Universe and includes space, & the higher bodies and how they manipulate processes on this planet. The most complex creation is a planetary body or Star. The cycle of life and death is repeated trillions to an infinite amount of times creating a physical Higher Being, which possesses all the criteria of Non-Living & Living Beings. The life of a planet can be entertained but not fully grasped, especially in terms of time, which is relative to the planet, or Star. We are but Lower Beings, in an inconceivably larger space.

The Matrix

The sum total of all the dimensions, both observable & un observable is the Matrix. It is the existence of all matter in its entirety. The dark substance that holds all non living & living matter stable, regardless of all Casalty, cause & effect, or action & reaction, and even in perpetuatum, possesses us all, in state. All predictions and realities are calculated and exist within the Universe, which possesses us all. Thus, just like your individual cells are possessed within vessels, within tissues, within organs, within systems, within your body, we too, are possessed within mediums, within atmospheres, within planets, within solar systems, within galaxies, within clusters, within superclusters, within within within... Each level enclosed within a boundary or Matrix, a womb, if you will. We are constantly in a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth or creation and destruction, and creation.

There is much to add to this discussion, and much not to be revealed simply. I hope I have given you a piece of Obuism to research & discuss for yourselves.

- Cowan Amaye-Obu April 2020