Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Scooter Game

The Scooter Game
                                                       BIRD Scooter Courtesy of TIME 

If you've are living under a rock or confined to your livingroom watching television programming, you probably haven’t noticed a wave of scooters flooding the Downtown of your local US cities? This new “scooter” craze started by BIRD (BIRD Rides Inc 2017), is truly innovating short distance travel, creating a real solution to CO2 emissions, and making waves in the financial industry as well. Only, BIRD, with major locations all over Europe and in over 100 US cities couldn’t stop savvy competitors or greedy corporations from piggybacking right into the industry.

Savvy travel innovation companies like LIME, followed quickly behind the heels of BIRD, giving scooter riders a choice between the two in convenience, and phone app downloads. LIME, quickly gained recognition as a US friendlier design, with hand brakes and a powerful motor. LIME, made riders realize their probably was a plan for this travel all along, when cities like Oakland constructed one lane roads in the middle of busy Downtown districts. Still, LIME was just the beginning. No way the newest $Billionaire travel innovators like Uber & Lyft, were to be out maneuvered by these “Scooters?”  

In comes, JUMP, scooters and bikes designed by Uber, literally falling out the sky instantly. The Ride share giant, Uber was not to be outdone by BIRD or LIME. Obviously, neither accepted a buyout, and LIME was probably strong-armed into partnership. Only Uber has the immediate cash from their recent double digit multi-billion dollar annual profits from 2014-present. And just like that, the Scooter War had begun…

Call in the cavalry, and chasing any pennies left behind, ride share and emotions conscious Lyft, teleported their Scooters on the scene. The Downtown streets look like a Scooter Tech War with BIRD, & LIME fighting on one side, the now, maniacal ride share monopolies, Uber & Lyft, on the other. I’m sure Federal court and their police henchmen will reign in and force everyone to wear helmets and ruin the entire scheme of all the parties, paid for by the monopolies. One thing is for sure though, its never been so exciting riding down the street! Ride safely, friends!

Written by Uriel Wise
American Mastodon Publication 2019