Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Obuism - On Transference...

Positive & Negative Transference

People are spirits and spirits fill people. Inside your Being are certain aspects of life. Put your index finger between your eyes and behold it is you. Your mind lies between your eyes where you from your spirit, visualize dreams and reality. Ultimately, it is our purpose to try to make both dream and reality one, but often this does not occur, whether from lack of action, societal obstacles, financial barriers and much more. From such a block, the inability to keep ones dreams sacred and birth them into reality, can begin to decay. The danger of this decay is real and can be passed on to your offspring. For this is the measure of Injustice to your being and the scales must be balanced, rectified during your lifetime or your children, and your children's children. This generational curse is the first manner of transference, or negative transference.
Alternately, the opposite is thus true. When one is able to secure both dream and reality into one realm, one transfers a spirit of accomplishment and a wealth of experience to the next generation. The ability to obtain oneness of dream and reality,is only certain until that child must demonstrate the same. This is called positive transference.

Environmental Transference

Next, place your index finger on your heart, this is your soul. This also is you but the soul carries experience, integrity, and judgement. The soul is most delicate because experience is a product of ones environment. A nurturing home will produce a nurtured child. Oppositely, a chaotic home will produce a chaotic child. The experience imprints on the soul first most assuredly. This is Environmental Transference. Then it shapes one's character and mind. Environmental Transference is immediately contagious and so can often be ignored or unnoticed, as spirits move from person to person. Smile and another person, and watch the happy spirit jump from smile to smile. Be sad and cry around another person and given time, he or she will wept with you. Show anger at another person, and watch the spirit of hatred infect the other person until you have two angry people fill of wrath and fire. Hence, this form of transference is most important to guard, your soul, for it can change your day to day countenance, and given time, your mind as well to be passed on to the next generation as Injustice.

How To Treat Negative Transference

The purpose of baptism, when taught by the Kemetians to the Hebrews, was twofold. How to cleanse the soul and reset the mind. It is more practical than ceremonial, hence any religion that practices baptism, the participant actually experiences a sense of renewal and cleanliness. I offer this practice here in Godism to be used as often as needed. The mind and soul must be reset and cleansed many times in life. Yet, it must only be practiced and completed after one has acknowledged a spiritual attack, from wence it has come, and how you will engage the same negative spirit when encountered again. One should commit to this course of action or they will be in short time, in need of another baptism.  The water must be freshwater and naturally cold. Springs, Lakes and Rivers make the best place for baptism, as the natural freshness of the water restores and cleans. Alternately, saltwater, or the Ocean can be used but only with the purpose of completion of an action, for the salt acts to protect and perserve. Saltwater Baptism is preparation for a journey or protection in war... Still baptism is not a full cure, one must walk in the path of righteous and ready to battle with understanding that transference can offer at any moment of time.

Secondly, "a broken spirit is not the same as a broken mind." Baptism is a spiritual awakening and thus can only be effective in a spiritual battle. When the mind is broken, this is generational, and the causes difficult to uncover. Seek professional therapy, psychoanalysis, hypnosis, and meditation to combat a broken mind. A broken mind is a broken person and often cannot be healed. A person with a broken spirit can be healed. Meditation begins and ends with the mind and is empowered by the breath. In Meditation the mind can heal the spirit as well as seek the answers to their dreams and reality. If a person with a broken mind, can master meditation, then they can heal their broken mind because in this space, they can finally find peace, forgiveness, and release within themselves. A Broken Mind can only be solved by that person.

How Does Transference Take Place.

Last, the seven senses (touch, taste, hearing, smell, sight, speech, and thought) are the conduits for the flow of spirits from body to body. Positivity and joy can be spread through hearing, I love you, on the phone or seeing a great story of love on television. Oppositely, evil and negative transference can be just as easily injested through gossip over the phone, or the witness of unspeakable horror in a film. Our senses are mere electrical conductors making sense and experience of our environment. Be sure to guard each sense, from what one sees through television programming or witnesses in everyday life; from what one listens to with their ears; from what one puts into their bodies to eat; from what one smells with their noses; from what one touches with their hands physically; from what one speaks and the words used; and especially, from what one thinks... The Seven Senses are the means of travel for spirits whether on the tongue of a lover, mourner, or enemy. Or, by the smells of disease which later manifests itself in your physical body. Be always on guard. Be on guard for your children and teach them these precepts. For in the past, present, and days to come, the ability to discern spirit has been, is, and will be of upmost importance. Ashe Omiete Amen

Cowan Amaye-Obu

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