Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Dawn of An Age: The First Tenets of Obuism

The Sacred Shape

The circle of life is the most important concept in our civilization. All actions return in a cycle. If one village throws their rubbish into the river, the river then feeds the village water, and so the village poisons itself. There is no line of civilization, where actions disappear, like a line which never returns to its original point. The circle, the sphere is the sacred notion of life and reverence. It honors the seasons, the Ancestors, the tribe, the clan, the family, and the children, as the living resurrection. The minuscule and enormous bodies are spherical, and so, the circle is the most important concept in our civilization. Remember this tenet, dedicate yourself in reverence to it, and you shall return, in time, to your glory. -A Holy Tenet of Godism

The following are the teachings of Godism. Rever them and be made a new man and a new women. A sparking light in a cold dark world. In the previous Age, the ministers of light revealed knowledge and reverence to the Holy Spirit to save the people darken by immorality and ignorance. In the dawn of this Age, knowledge has become the darkness and its uses have become immoral in desecration of the same Holy Spirit and his created people. Thus, the Ministers of light, have returned again among us to uplift that which has been thrown down. The people, the love of people, shall be before the love of god. For it is written, “How can one love god, who you have not seen, when one has not loved those whom you see.” In this Age, The People before god. This is the first tenet of Godism.

-Written by Mr. Cowan F. Amaye-Obu

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