Thursday, October 27, 2016

Fools Again... Ballot or the Bullet - Malcolm X (4/12/1964)

                                             The Ballot or The Bullet by Malcolm X 1964

"We see America through the eyes of a victim of Americanism."
"We haven't experienced the American dream, only the American nightmare."

Can it be possible that Blacks in America have been running in place for almost 60 years? I fear we have trusted and continue to trust in a lie, failing to hear the lessons of our Grandparents, Great Grandparents, and their slave parents, because we are too busy trying to believe in an American dream for which we did not realize does not include us. For almost 60 years, we have lived the Miseducation, and the integration of our communities. The theory on the talented 10th, has worked only in theory and only for the talented tenth. Meanwhile, during the best of times for Upper and Middle Class Blacks, we have also seen the largest expansion of the poorest Blacks in America. In 2016, Blacks suffer from the same ills, and are in an even more dire state by sheer number in every city and ghetto in the US. The Black National progress and movement has been hijacked by White liberals, Black cowards and Middle Class Black Intergrationists, who have sold the lot of the black communities to the highest bidder, for a job, house, and a car. This speech by Brother Malcolm X Shabazz, (may his Soul revisit us in our time of need) interprets the state of the Africans in America and the issues we face together. Beginning in the mid 1950s and 1960s, the US Government sanctioned illicit mind altering drugs in Black communities across America.60 years later, the War on Drugs has revealed a sinister scheme of profiteering, prison-industrialism, and CIA covert operations. To  uncover Black Nationalism is not a sin, but a philosophy rejected and denied by the true rulers of the American "White Capitalist Patriarchy Supreme" Government, to Blacks as a viable option of development. Join me, as I politically mature to understand that Blacks should establish and run their own political, educational, economic, and social systems, and reject those who attempt to assimilate, manipulate, or pull the wool over our eyes. 60 years later after this speech, I see we are caught sleeping with the enemy, allowing our communities to once again be run by liberal sympathetic White Democrats (or Republicans) and their Black puppets. Our schools and businesses have been overrun, and we have lost massive wealth in the United States. Stop, look around, study, plan, organize, and go into action. 
-Mr. Cowan Amaye-Obu 2016   

Monday, October 17, 2016

Top 10 Articles that Every American Should Already Know by Peter Commons


"The ignorance and stupidity of the American people will destroy the world."

It must be said that my fellow Americans have been utterly distracted from reality by a perfect storm of sports, Hollywood entertainment, commercialized food, and censored news. The world is waiting for Americans to wake up and take charge of our dangerous corporate militarized government, and to call off our devil hounds, unleashed on the innocent along with the guilty. The world is waiting for Americans to show up for the fight, to beat back the tyrannical forces whose interests promise democracy and streets paved in gold, but deliver heavy artillery, mortar shells, destroyed cities, and massive amounts of dollars to the enemies of humanity. As an American, I am ashamed of my government and my people, whose high morals blind them to the truth of the reality that is right in front of their eyes, or has corrupted them to the core of an unnatural philosophy. Though religious, we have become immoral and apathetic to suffering. Though hardworking, we have become hedonistic nihilist. And though free, we have become the most enslaved to a philosophy and way of life that refuses correction. I do not believe the American people will ever awake from their slumber. The world would be foolish to think so. The American people has watched the assassination of its leaders, the manipulation of its legal justice system, the naked profiteering of the wealthy on the labour of workers, and the poisoning of its people, and  we still haven't risen to cast off the evil which besets us all. We cowarded into the confines of our jobs and homes, when we knew our government was going to violently invade an innocent country for profit and high crimes. We have watched our great national experiment be hijacked and diverted towards a collision course. It will take national tragedy, loss, and the migration of its Africans for many to understand the depths of depravity the nation has entered. And even still, the cold hearted zombies may still be asleep. For those who are awake and still watching, the following ten articles, you should already know. It is essential to remember that these events have already conspired and your awareness is late to the party. So after reading, don't trip, debrief yourself with our Rabbithole Reading, and return to your normal lives. It is unfortunate that our media has invested so much in censoring our information, that the truth is sometimes shocking and debilitating to our ordinary selves. Nevertheless, educate yourself and move forward to make a better world.

-Mr. Peter Commons 2016

1. Syria: Another Pipeline War by Robert F. Kennedy
2. President Obama Threatens President Putin With Nuclear War by Eric Zuesse 
3. The Biggest Oil Leak You Never Heard Of, Still Leaking After 12 Years by Greenpeace
4. Haiti's Hurricane Devastation: A Tragedy Rooted In Capitalist Oppression by Bill Van Auken
5. Washington, The War Criminal Capital of the World is Driving the World to Nuclear War by Paul Roberts
6. Citigroup Chose Obama's 2008 Cabinet: Wikileaks Document Reveals by Tom Eley
7. The Dollarization and Militarization of Africa by Allen Swenson
8. It's Official: Injection of Fracking Wastewater Caused Kansas Biggest Earthquake by Lorraine Chow
9. Panama Papers Show How Rich United States Clients Hid Millions Abroad by NY Times 
10. Human Experimentation in the United States
10.5. Carcinogen in the tap Water of 200 million Americans by Environment Working Group
11. Clinton Cash

Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Lesser of Two Evils: How to Choose A President in 2016 by Peter Commons

                                                                 All Rights Reserved 2016
The Home Stretch

The undecided voter gets the anger and shameful rhetoric from both sides of the aisle, Republican and Democrat. Some Democrats have compared Donald Trump, to a modern day slave owner, and have indignation about his acceptance of campaign contributions from the Ku Klux Klan, as well as constant verbal assaults on minority groups like Mexicans, Women, and Gays. Republicans drown us in the laundry list of Clinton scandals, that have pass the mark of conspiracy and have shown the extremes of her character in the Bengazi emails, suspect favors in exchange for Clinton Foundation contributions, and political harassment of opponents. It is sad to say, for the undecided voter, looking for the best candidate for their vote, that both sides are offering less than worthy candidates, truly shameful on both sides. According to the New York Times, Hillary Clinton has an 83% chance of winning the election. In their estimates, Clinton's chance of losing is about the same as an NFL Kicker, missing a 39 yard field goal. With those chances, it really comes down to the final days of the campaign. Will Hillary miss the field goal, sending "Birther Movement," Donald Trump, Billionaire Businessman, to the Oval Office, time will tell?

One thing is true about Trump's argument, the Clintons have been apart of the political system, which has seen the United States Government go from surplus to near defaulting on its debt, in addition to the sanctioning of spending over $7 Trillion for war in Iraq and Afghanistan, money needed to rebuild the United States domestic infrastructure. It is very true that the Clinton political machine has contributed to the status quo and two economic recessions, and NAFTA, which has watched the loss of American companies and jobs to cheaper less taxed countries. In this respect, Trump has an accurate punchline. With the Clintons, it is politics as usual, and this "usual politics," is the rally cry for American Conservatives. Some of these Conservatives have legitimate concerns, such as how fracking, a process of obtaining Natural Gas, has polluted natural ground water sources nationwide, and caused unnatural earthquakes, such as in Oklahoma, which went from zero to over 5000 earthquakes in the past year. While fracking is an oil industry practice started during the Obama presidency, Obama will be held accountable for the EPA shortsightedness on this issue. National Debt, gun laws, gay marriage, abortion, ISIS, rent prices, and immigration all reflect issues in a broken American government system, which every American traces back to a broken Congress and increasingly corrupt political system. In all honesty, Trump has genuinely capitalized on this feeling of "helplessness," and used it for support of his candidacy.

In response, Hillary accurately portrays Trump's proposed Tax cuts as even more disastrous for the economy, as the Trickle down theory has proven not only to be ineffective, but has accelerated inequality in America in recent years. Trump neither has the record experience of a Junior Legislative intern and less than a lower state Congressmen, thus as President, would be a liability when faced with tough domestic and international discussions. Hillary's exposure of the personal Donald Trump has been much to her favor, showing an anti-immigrant, shady business shark, womanizing, and tyrannical individual, willing to attack anyone including wounded veterans,  and the Pope. On a personal level, Trump disqualifies himself. The Presidency of the United States is not for amateurs, nor the thin skin,  nor the faint of heart. Thus, the case that Hillary has made for the American people is that Donald Trump is not the person, who can lead and navigate the United States Government and the people to a more prosperous state in four years. In this case, Hillary is the better candidate.

Thus. given the choice, it is tempting for undecided voters to remain home and decide not to vote. Most forget, local and regional candidates and laws are also enacted during Presidential Elections. This choice to stay home is problematic, because using the strategy of disillusionment and nonchalance, Republicans, now in a national party which caters primarily to a shrinking minority and Evangelical White Conservative base, were able to takeover both Houses of Congress and effectively obstruct the progress of the elected Presidential Mandate of 2012, blocking most progressive laws and federal programs to insure President Barack Obama becomes a "Lame Duck," President. This is the operation, which supports Donald Trump. The problem with the election of Mr. Trump to the presidency is, many of the designs to prevent programs like Universal Healthcare, High-Speed Rail Transportation, Wall Street Reform, and the dozens of progressively sound policies which are herald by both Republicans and Democrats, as vital to the United States, will be rolled back indefinitely. The policies to replace these progressive programs, can only be imagined as the reverse. What is the reverse of progressive? Let's be clear, when progression is thrown away, oppression becomes the way of life. When Donald Trump endorsed "Stop & Frisk," for major cities to handle crime, without knowing the outlining abuses of the program, the writing on the wall was clear.

Thus, while Hillary Clinton, has had a problem uniting the people in support of her campaign. Hillary, has made the case, clear, concise, and plain. This is not only the choice between the better person, but the lesser of two evils. Do not be tricked into inaction, because one field goal, can lose a game. However, when the game is the choice of progress or oppression, losing is not an option. I'm with her...

by Peter L Commons, email at for more information. West Oakland Imports Publisher 2016