Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Life Can Be Funny!

Oscar Wilde

Life Can Be Funny will be my new submissions for publication. It is dedicated to one of favorite authors, who always tempered real life with humorous conjections. Visit for a laugh or two! 
Reader's Digest Submissions

1. After a three gruesome hours waiting at the local DMV, a man stormed away from the teller window, irate that he’d been in the wrong line the entire time. The same man stood behind me, as I waited in line for a new driver’s license photo. Unfortunately, we both took the news that the office would be closing before we could get our licenses, hard. That’s when he yelled, “if I get to heaven and it looks anything like this bureaucracy, I’m throwing a chair through the window and leaving!”

2. My roommate and I, were sitting outside on our 2nd floor patio, watching the evening scenery when she began to complain about how the neighborhood was going down the toilet. She expressed how the police were increasingly patrolling the complex and how the people at night were always breaking glass. That’s when I interjected, “well, if you see people throwing bottles and breaking glass at night, don’t be scared tell them to stop…” She retorted, “It’s you breaking the glass at night. Can you stop?” I was shocked by the news.

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