Thursday, June 23, 2016

Remain or Leave: A Major Blow to the New World Order by Peter Commons

    "Imagine the power of those who control credit, who in response to the will of the British people to re-commandeer their economy, downgraded their credit rating and ability to buy goods because they were upset with their decision to leave the European Union. -Peter Commons"

       The European Trade Union has been a dream for continental European States, like Germany, and France. However, take one indepth look at England, and you'd find out why, it would be in their interest to leave before this ship sinks. Enjoy this informative video on the issue.
   Since the dawn of the EU, NAFTA, and African Union, trade organizations have provided post-modern central planning for regions, granting nations traditionally ruled by Royal families, Duchies, and Democratically elected governments to the Administrative whims of major multi-National Corporations and their Boards of Directors. These trade unions have made both moderate and positive contributions to their respective economies.
       At the height of the European Union, this regional trade group was the world's number one economy from 2009-2012, up seated by The People's Republic of China, and followed by the United States. With such economic might, losing control and access to the United Kingdom's market not only immediately downgrades the EU to the third economy of the world, but empowers British Merchants to compete alongside the states of the European Union.
     As always, we would defer to the opinions to Queen Elizabeth II... Still, the long term effects of trade unions, their international finance banks (World Bank & IMF), and their central planning of regional economies need further analysis and study. The African Union, by far has the most potential to control the world's resources and emerging economies, but has yet to uproot and repel the legal and financial advances of various foreign powers including the EU and the People's Republic of China, to support major development in African nations without outside hegemonic influence.
    The people of the world are watching as the era of Trade Unions plays out. With other major players like ASEAN, the Pacific Union, the Union of South American Nations, the Eurasian Economic Union, and the emerging Arab League pre engaged by war. The contention will be between the Old Regime of Traditional Aristocracy and Royal Families and the new rulers of society, the major Multi-national Corporations and their financiers, both of which, control all the Democratic Republics worldwide. Stay tuned!

-Peter Commons

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