Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Documentary Series: 13th (2016)

(Promotional Editorial)
"Black Males make up 6.5% of the population in the US, 40.5% of the prison population."
                                                        All Rights Reserved Netflix  The 13th 2016
Documentary Series: 13th (Netflixs 2016)

In The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness (2012), Michelle Alexander exposes the development of a prison industrial complex in the United States. This complex, in collaboration with covert drug operations in Black neighborhoods across America (MK Ultra 1950), the War on Drugs, and various ambiguous Federal legislations has lead to the mass incarceration of Blacks in levels unseen since 1865. In the 21st Century, America has once again risen as a nation of chains, hypocrisy, and now, colonial Empire through corporate-military force. This November, regardless of the election results, Africans in America need to educate and organize themselves to facilitate change in the most important issue facing our community. The Netflix documentary, 13th, is a beacon calling for all hands on deck. The time for acting has already passed.

-Cowan Amaye-Obu
email me at

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